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Fig. 5 | Molecular Horticulture

Fig. 5

From: Haplotype-resolved genome assembly provides insights into evolutionary history of the Actinidia arguta tetraploid

Fig. 5

Genome-wide identification of CBF gene family in A. arguta and four-allele genes expression pattern in different gene families. A Phylogenetic tree of CBF genes in A. arguta, A. chinensis, A. eriantha and Arabidopsis thaliana. 2x or 4x represents diploid or tetraploid, respectively. B Protein domain analysis of CBF genes. C The expression patterns of four-allele genes in NBS-LRR at different storage stages (1, 3, 7, 11 days post-harvest), and CBF gene families in different cultivars ‘Kuilv male’ (K) and ‘Ruby-3’ (R) under different durations (0, 1, 4, 7 h of –25°C) of frozen-treated. D represent day(s) after postharvest

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