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Fig. 3 | Molecular Horticulture

Fig. 3

From: Haplotype-resolved genome assembly provides insights into evolutionary history of the Actinidia arguta tetraploid

Fig. 3

Phylogenetic relationships, comparative genomics, and evolutionary analyses of Actinidia arguta. A The phylogenetic tree showing gene family expansions/contractions and divergence time (top panel), Ks values of orthologous genes pairs (middle panel) or estimating for whole genome duplication (WGD) of Actinidia species including A. arguta (Aa), A. chinensis (Ac), A. deliciosa (Ad), A. eriantha (Ae) and A. latifolia (Al) using paralogous genes pairs (bottom panel). 2x or 4x represents diploid or tetraploid, respectively. The phylogenetic tree was constructed for eleven species based on the orthologous genes. Species divergence time was calculated by r8s, and the expansions or contractions of gene families were analyzed using CAFÉ 5. B Ks values calculated from paralogous pairs (left panel) and allelic pairs (right panel) throughout the four individual haplotypes. C Venn diagram of gene families from five Actinidia species

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