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Fig. 2 | Molecular Horticulture

Fig. 2

From: PbrWRKY62-PbrADC1 module involves in superficial scald development of Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.fruit via regulating putrescine biosynthesis

Fig. 2

Functional validation of PbrADC1 involved in fruit putrescine biosynthesis and thus chilling resistance. a Subcellular localization of PbrADC1. The recombinant pBI221-PbrADC1 vector was transformed into N. benthamiana leaves before fluorescence signal detection. b Impact of transient genetic transformation in the ripe ‘Dangshansuli’ fruit on putrescine abundance. (b-i) Transient overexpression of PbrADC1 gene. The ripe ‘Dangshansuli’ fruit transformed with the empty vector was used as a control. (b-ii) Transient silence of PbrADC1 gene. The ripe ‘Dangshansuli’ fruit co-transformed with empty pTRV2 and pTRV1 was used as a control. The expression abundance of PbrADC1 in control fruit was set as 1.0 for RT-qPCR assay. c Impact of overexpressing PbrADC1 gene in tomato on fruit putrescine biosynthesis and chilling resistance. (c-i) Visual quality change. (c-ii) Putrescine level and chilling injury index. Tomato fruits at 35 DAFB, including the wide-type (control) and the PbrADC1-overexpressing (OE) lines, were harvested and then exposed to 4 ℃ for 10 d followed by 20 ℃ storage for 7 d. Data represented the mean value of three biological replicates, and different lowercase letters meant significance between samples (p < 0.05)

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