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Fig. 3 | Molecular Horticulture

Fig. 3

From: The evolutionary trajectories of specialized metabolites towards antiviral defense system in plants

Fig. 3

A recent reported example of PSM-mediated plant–insect-virus interactions. During the airborne defense mechanism, VOC-emitter plants sense aphid sap-sucking action, triggering the biosynthesis of SA. The NAC2-SAMT1 module is then activated to produce volatile MeSA. Receiver plants in the vicinity perceive MeSA and convert it into SA through the action of SABP2. SA functions as a cue, initiating the NAC2-SAMT1 module in the receiver plants, consequently eliciting a defense response against both aphids and viruses. At the counterdefence mechanism, the aphid-transmitted virus CMV, employ their helicase-containing viral protein (e.g., CMV1a) to subcellularly re-localize and destabilize NAC2. This manipulation suppresses NAC2-mediated airborne defense, facilitating aphid propagation and virus transmission. As a result, plants become less repellent to aphids, generating a more favorable environment for aphid survival, infestation, and subsequent viral transmission. The figure is created with and the illustration is adapted from the recent work of (Gong et al. 2023)

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